monster camping trip

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to Wanda Luthman’s Christian and Children’s Book Blog. Today, I have a fun book to share with you called Monster Camping Trip.

Synopsis: Ava is a dyslexic child of four. Having three siblings isn’t easy, especially being that her twin brother is a math wiz, but she hopes to forget that when her family sets out on a classic road trip. Along the way, a strange beast darts into the road and Ava doesn’t see it before it runs off.

Once they arrive at the campsite, everything seems normal until another camper spots the monster. The park ranger thinks it’s a prank but Ava is determined to find it. Her older sisters think she’s crazy and her parents just want to relax. Can Ava find the monster without getting into trouble?

The author, J.M. Gulmire, has provided their claymation headshot which I think is super creative! Amazon says that “J.M. is a kid at heart and private educator with a house full of critters and elves. Also a screenwriter and claymation animator, Gulmire is the Amazon Bestselling author of “Kay-9 The Robot Dog,” and “A Vacuum for My Birthday.” “

If you enjoy camping, you’ll love sharing this book with your child(ren). They will love the suspense of Ava trying to find a monster.

If you’d like to follow J.M. Gulmire or connect with them, here are their Social Media Links





Thank you, J.M., for sharing your fun book with us today!

And thank you to my loyal blog followers for stopping by my blog today. I hope you’ll grab a copy today.

As always likes, comments, and shares are appreciated

Stay safe, everyone

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