Wally’s Misadventure

Children's book author, Chrys Wimer, holding her book Wally's Misadventure and a stuffed toy raccoon wearing a blue top with lace and beige pants standing in front of a beige wall with green plant and framed spiritual saying behind her

Hi everyone,

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday with your friends and family. We sure did. Even though our lives have been turned upside down lately and we couldn’t do much for Christmas other than keep it simple, it was a very blessed time. And I pray everyone has a very blessed new year!

Now, on to sharing another awesome book find I have come across, I’ll let the author introduce it to you, take it away Chrys…

I’m excited to introduce my first children’s book called “Wally’s Misadventure”.

Wally's Misadventure Book Cover by Chrys Wimer shows a raccoon walking through the forest upright
Available on Amazon

“Wally’s Misadventure” is about a young raccoon who had been longing to explore the forest.  Wally knows he is supposed to take a friend with him, but when none of his friends can go he decides to go alone.  During his adventure Wally encounters trouble along the way! In the end, Wally realizes rules are meant to protect him.

The story of Wally Wilson Raccoon Jr. began with the thought that raccoons are mischievous and tend to get into trouble.  The beaver came about because I like the beavers in C.S. Lewis’ “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe” (which is one of my favorite books).  I wanted a bird in the story and as I thought about a name the first name that came to mind was Ivy.  Ivy was named after my maternal grandmother who lived to be 105 years old and loved church music.  I chose the wren because that was the last name of one of my pastors and his wife had a great soprano voice.

The biggest inspiration was the part about Wally getting attacked by the bird which actually happened to my cat, Zipper.  Zipper was a big gray and black tabby who was a gentle soul.  He didn’t like to hunt or eat anything but his dry cat food.  His food was always on a picnic table out on the back porch so the dog wouldn’t eat it.  For a while there was a Scrub Jay that would dive bomb Zipper while he was eating.  Zipper finally got fed up with the bird and Zipper killed it!

As a teacher for many years and now a substitute teacher, I have spent many hours around children.  I have seen how children don’t use their imagination very much.  It is disheartening to try to get a child to use their imagination and come up with so little.  My hope is that children will not only enjoy “Wally’s Misadventure”, but learn from Wally’s mistakes and develop their imaginations.

When I am not teaching or writing I enjoy photography, traveling, baking, reading, and crafting.  I sing in the choir and Worship Team at my church as well as help with the Ladies ministry. 

3 thoughts on “Wally’s Misadventure

  1. Reblogged this on Campbells World and commented:
    Award-Winning author Wanda Luthman has been hunting books and she’s found another great one for you parents to share with your wee ones.
    Now this book sounds quite interesting so be sure to grab it today.
    While you’re grabbing up books, be sure to have a look at all Wanda has to offer as well.

    Liked by 1 person

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