Want Some Free Books?

Space Coast Book Lovers Book Event graphic with palm trees, bird, rockets flying, moon, an open book, and the beach


Heck yes, who doesn’t?!

I’m attending a fantastic book event on Saturday, June 2nd called The Space Coast Book Lovers Event with a bunch of other authors from all different genres and I’d like to invite you to join us!

This is SCBL’s 2nd year and I can tell you that last year it was a HUGE event!

You won’t want to miss it!!!

And to kick off this great event, we’ve put together some FREE, yes, you heard it right, FREE books for you to get right here


This will give you a taste of the authors you can meet at the SCBL event!

There’s more to attend and do prior to the big book event on Saturday like some Meet ‘n Greet time with the authors and all, so be sure and go to the link to check it all out.

Invite your friends! (or be selfish and keep it to yourself)

I hope to see you there!