‘Little Miss History’ Children’s Books

Hi everyone,

Welcome to today’s edition of Wanda Luthman’s Children’s Books Blog.

I’m really excited to introduce you all to a children’s non-fiction author today. I think you and your children are going to love her books!

Barbara Mojica writes Little Miss History books and she’s here to tell you more about them.

Take it away, Barbara…

“If you don’t know your history, you don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Magical mountains carved with faces, mysterious murders, giant trees, and secret submarines are just a few things that kids will learn about when they open a Little Miss History book.

The entertaining series for kids makes reading nonfiction a fun-filled adventure for all ages. Not only are the stories compelling, but the illustrations mixed with real photos keep readers intrigued. Dressed like a wannabe park ranger character, Little Miss History takes kids on whirlwind adventures around the globe and shows them icons that we all treasure.

One becomes a character in history at birth. History is full of blazing drama and emotions and kids can be real heroes if they understand where they came from, how the past shaped them, and how they can plan their future. Kids will see that leaders come in all shapes and sizes, just like kids, and that life is filled with success and failures. Hop on board with Little Miss HISTORY and see how knowing history opens a window to understanding the present.

Available on Amazon

The Little Miss HISTORY book series has garnered two dozen awards including B.R.A.G. Medallions, International Book Excellence Awards, International Readers’ Favorite Awards, Eric Hoffer, and Independent Author Network Book of the Year Awards. https://LittleMisshistory.com.        

Author Barbara Ann Mojica, M.A. S.A.S., S.D.A is a historian and retired educator. Her education career spans more than forty years serving as a teacher, special educator, principal, and school district administrator. Barbara writes monthly historical articles for the Columbia Insider under the banner “Passages” and maintains that literacy is the heart of knowledge.

She is a top reviewer on Amazon and shares book reviews of family-friendly literature on her blog https://bamauthor.me. She feels that families can use their time at home reading together, sharing family experiences, and dreaming about their next family adventure.

The Little Miss HISTORY Travels to…BOOK SERIES MAY BE PREVIEWED ON MY WEBSITE https://www.LittleMissHISTORY.com

The books are available online at Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, Indiebound.org, bookshop.org and Walmart.com

Ask for them at your favorite bookstore.

Here is the link to my Amazon Author Page  https://www.amazon.com/Barbara-Ann-Mojica/e/B00B9DOVKC/

My links to social media:

Website               http://LittleMissHISTORY.com

Blog:                      https://bamauthor.me

Twitter:                https://twitter.com/bamauthor

Facebook:           https://www.facebook.com/LittleMissHISTORY.com

Instagram:          https://www.instagram.com/bamauthor

Goodreads:       https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6851359.Barbara_Ann_Mojica

Linked in:          https://www.linkedin.com/in/bamauthor

YouTube              https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVUU3m8cCeBUr2wxHAQi6Lw/channels

Tumblr:                https://www.tumblr.com/blog/bamauthor

Congratulations on your book awards, Barbara! And thank you so much for sharing your Little Miss History books with us today.

And thank you all, my blogger family, for reading today’s post. I hope you rush out and purchase these books for you little ones.

As always, likes, shares, and comments are much appreciated!

Stay safe

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