Girls Can Do Anything Book Series

Good Monday Morning everyone,

I’d like to Welcome Carmen Petro today who has written a wonderfully empowering book series for girls.

I’ll let him tell you all about it…

Girls Can Do Anything – Genesis of the Series

Growing up as the youngest child with three older brothers, my daughter Caitlyn was caught between the world of girls being cheerleaders, and boys playing football. She adored her football playing brothers, so playing football was the path she decided to follow, and after much consideration on my part (she was Daddy’s princess after all) I grudgingly gave my blessing.  After all, I couldn’t tell her she could be anything she wanted when she grew up, only to stop her from trying football because she was a girl.  It was a tough sport, but Caitlyn stuck with it and in the end became an exceptional overall athlete and NCAA Division 1 Women’s Lacrosse player.

Available on Amazon

When she was little, I wrote a number of stories for Caitlyn in order to encourage and inspire her to think outside the box about her future and her eventual career path. The message of the stories wasn’t to overtly say that Caitlyn should follow a particular path in life. Rather, the message conveyed by the characters in these stories was that she should feel free to explore all options and avenues before making a decision about her future.  Over time, these stories evolved into a series of books written with the intent to encourage not just Caitlyn, but all young girls to dream big, take control of their futures, think outside the box, and not let anyone tell them they can’t do something. 

Young girls are smart enough to derive the underlying message within the pages of these books without having it pushed on them. The intent is to inspire them to consider educational and vocational paths they may not have thought about otherwise. These stories aren’t about competition with boys, or how much money they can make doing a certain job. These stories are about a young girl meeting women in what many might consider “non-traditional” career fields for a woman. The message presents the idea that there is a myriad of options available to girls which can empower them to take control over their futures and become anything they dream of, from an astronaut to an alligator wrestler.

Available on Amazon

About the Author

Available on Amazon

Carmen Petro lives in the scenic New Hampshire Mountains with his wife, Sylvia, their 6 dogs, and 2 cats.  He and Sylvia raised 5 children that are all grown and on their own, the youngest of which is Caitlyn.  Back when Caitlyn was just a pipsqueak, Carmen wrote a number of stories for her (loosely based on real people and the family’s real life experiences) to encourage her and let her know that she has the potential to do anything she puts her mind to. 

Caitlyn has since grown into a strong, confident, and successful young woman.  It’s my sincere hope that these stories encourage and motivate other young girls to chase their dreams and not let ANYONE stop them from realizing their natural-born potential.   

The “Girls Can Do Anything” series of books are available to order from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, and other fine booksellers, as well as directly from the Girls Can Do Anything web site at

You can also find us in Facebook at

Thank you, Carmen, for being a guest here today and thank you everyone, for stopping by. I hope you run right out and purchase all of his books for that special girl in your life this holiday!

13 thoughts on “Girls Can Do Anything Book Series

      1. It has been awhile. I’m doing okay. I lost my husband earlier this year and am trying to adjust to a new life without him. I love God and I know He loves me and has me but some days are harder than others. Thank you for asking.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Oh wow! Just what I am looking for my daughter. She’s 3 now and playacting all the time, yesterday she was a chef, today she’s a doctor and tomorrow probably a bus driver. Thank you for the recommendation.

    Liked by 1 person

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