stop existing and start living

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to Wanda Luthman’s Christian and Children’s Book Blog!

Today, I have a patriotic book for you which would be perfect for the 4th of July!

Here’s the Media Release on the book…

Author Launches Children’s Book Series Based on Wholesome American Ideals

Fairfield, NJ — As parents begin thinking about holiday gifts for their children – one new children’s book author, Stephen Clifford, wants to remind parents of the lessons they were raised with that seem to be forgotten by society today. His patriotic and motivational book series titled, “Forgotten Wisdom Books, Lessons from a Former Marine and a Retired Teacher,” focuses on topics such as perseverance, determination, accountability, grit, and standing up to bullies. In his first book, “Stop Existing and Start Living,” the two protagonists in all of the stories, TJ and Ryan, find themselves unmotivated and attached to their screens on a beautiful day. Prompted by their father and grandfather, the latter of whom served in the United States Marine Corp., they all embark on an adventure where they learn it is better to get dirty and explore than to be held captive by their devices. They also discover that they are stronger and braver than they ever imagined.

“My wife and I were searching for books that emphasized old-school values essential to growing up as an American and we couldn’t find any,” says Clifford. “It occurred to me that other parents may feel the same way. So, I decided to take some of the lessons I learned growing up, that we have been using to help shape our two children, and write the type of books we have been seeking.”

At the start of the book, Clifford, who grew up during the 1980s and 1990s, writes, “Our children live in a world with different challenges and distractions than we faced growing up. Many children are tempted to choose the easy way out and become a follower, rather than a leader. Most of all, many may not understand the profound pride that comes with being born an American.” He concludes by saying that the advice he offers is “based on lessons and advice my parents taught us, but not unique to my family. These are guided lessons that you may not necessarily get in the classroom, that I am hoping to share with the next generation.”

At the end of all of his books, he includes a short story of American excellence based on the lesson, which Clifford hopes will further encourage pride in being an American. In “Stop Existing and Start Living,” Clifford includes a story about Lewis, Clark, and Sacagawea, and their courage in exploring a new frontier.

The books also offer an interactive page to assist parents in reinforcing the message of the books. In “Stop Existing and Start Living,” Clifford encourages parents to talk about a time with their child(ren) when they felt alive exploring or enjoying nature, regardless as to whether it was a big adventure or a small experience.

A unique feature of the series is that each book includes a physical “Wisdom Badge – Reward.” These patches can be awarded to children when they complete a goal they set with their parents or guardians based on the lesson in the story. In “Stop Existing and Start Living,” Clifford suggests challenging one’s child to “put down the tablet or phone, or turn off the video game and explore.” He encourages his readers to go outside and do something involving nature, either by themselves or with a family member, where they can make some wholesome memories. 

“I had a great childhood entrenched in American ideals that I want to share with my children,” says Clifford. “My goal is to keep these traditions alive and to share them with my readers. We live in a time where everyone is really busy and sometimes it’s easier to let children remain on their electronics for long periods of time in order to get work and other things done. However, that’s not ideal for our children. They need to have physical experiences and enjoy the great outdoors. They need to face challenges and learn that nothing changes if nothing changes. My goal is to drive these points home so these lessons are not lost on future generations.”

Clifford’s books and badges are available on his website All four books are available without the badges on Public Square and Amazon.”

Thank you, Stephen, for writing some amazing books that will help to instill patriotic values and other wholesome morals in our children.

Thank you to my loyal blog followers for stopping by today. I hope you will purchase all 4 of his books and share them with your favorite child(ren) today!

As always, likes, comments, and shares are appreciated.

God Bless You, Everyone!

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