Freelance Writing


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In addition to writing children’s books, I’ve also discovered the joy of freelance writing. I write non-fiction in a variety of genres.

Merritt Island Now is a print publication and is delivered to approximately 50,000 residents. I’ve been writing for them since August 2015.

FloriaNowNews is an online business magazine. I wrote my first article for them December 2016.

Here’s my first article for Florida Now News

I had the joy of meeting some wonderful women by “accident” (and I don’t believe in accidents) at the Space Coast Book Lovers 2018 Event in June and they asked me to write for their magazine called bUneke (said Be Unique) which has the mission to seek out ordinary people doing amazing things for their community.

October issue


bUneke Magazine article titled Read, Recycle, Reward Books with author's picture, Wanda Luthman, and a photo of Spongebob with corresponding book

My article called Read, Recycle, Reward Books on page 30 is about a local organization of retired teachers who put together books with matching toys and gives them away to children who would otherwise not own a book.

September issue

bUneke Magazine Issue 4 Wanda - Ms. B

My article called Reading is Her Passion is on page 18 about a warm, gregarious woman whose goal is to read to one million children.

August issue

Symphony standing on risers wearing black and all leaning towards the right
August Issue

My second article is about Wear Gloves, found on page 22, is about an organization in the heart of Florida helping people who are homeless.

school supplies and tennis shoes pictured underneath the article titled 5 Tips to Make Returning to School Less Stressful, also article's author picture

And my own article called 5 Tips to Make Returning to School Less Stressful

July issue

watercolor/pencil drawing of fox with white building in background

July Issue

bUneke Magazine article called Granmother Turned Tragedy into a Helpful Organization, Grandparents Raising Grandchildren, founder is pictured with Sheriff Wayne Ivey, a Grandmother is pictured with her Grandson, and the group of Grandparents are pictured holding pictures they painted at a fundraising event for GRG where they painted a sunset with birds in the foreground


My first article is called Grandmother Turned Tragedy into a Helpful Organization found on page 26 where a lovely woman who found herself raising her Grandchildren realized more support was needed so she developed this group, Grandparents Raising Grandchildren, to help others who might find themselves in the same shoes as her.


My latest opportunity (January 2017) is Swell Life, an online and print magazine that focuses on Beach Life.

A big thank you to Carolyn Howard-Johnson who connected me with Karen Cioffi-Ventrice to be a regular blogger for Writers on the Move (WOTM) starting March 2017.

Here’s my first blog post on WOTM about how to get your creative juices flowing again!

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